Hi, I'm Jake Etzler

Here's where I get to show off all of the fun computer stuff I do

A Little About Me...

I'm a senior at Bucknell University where I am pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science. Sometimes I come up with cool project ideas, and now as a CS senior, I finally have the tools to make some of them. You'll find many of those projects here, along with whatever else I may want to share. Besides that, when I'm not working you can probably find me hikking, skiing, fishing, or just generally in the great outdoors.

Picture of Jake standing on top of the Blackcomb Glacier in British Columbia, Canada

Jake Etzler


Best Wordle

Python - Algorithms

One night I made a bet with a friend: who could write a better algorithm to find the best Wordle starting word. I won that bet. Click here to learn more about my Wordle project

Task Manager

Python - Flask - HTML/CSS

This is my introduction to full stack web development. For my first project, I used python and flask to run the backend of my own personal task scheduler. I use API calls to connect to an API where I pull my to-do list from, then process the data with python. Click here for Task Manager Github page

JakeEtzler .com

JavaScript - Node.js - HTML/CSS

How do you like this website? This is my most recent project, and still in the very early stages of its life. As of right now, this website is just a basic HTML/CSS template that I've reformatted and made compatible with Node.js so I can deploy it. I've got lots of ideas that I'm excited to try and implement here in the future. To see the current source code of this webapp, click the following link. JakeEtzler.com Github Admin Login

Twitter Sentiment

Python - Data Science

This was a project born from the desire to analyze twitter emotional sentiment for a key word over time. To accomplish this, I utilized the twint python library and a premade dictionary of word sentiments to scrape Twitter for tweets containing the key word in a date range. It then finds the net sentiment for that word during that range, and plots the data. Click here to learn more about twitter sentiment

In developing this site, I've aimed to make the content accessible to everyone. I am committed to ensuring that the website is accessible and inclusive to all users, including those with disabilities. This site strives to follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines.

Accessibility Evaluation:
Using the Wave evaluation tool on Google Chrome, this website passes almost every test. The only failures that Wave can detect are 2 images without alt text, and lots of contrast errors. These errors stem from the use of of a parallax scrolling window when on a PC browser. The images without alt text are the 2 images used to create the parallax scroll effect, and they are not accessible to the website user. These same images generate the bulk of the contrast errors, as Wave has a difficult time discerning the parallax images (which are technically the site's background) from from the color blocks where content lies.

Accessibility Features:

  • Alt-text descriptions for all images
  • Proper use of headings and subheadings for clear page structure
  • Responsive design to ensure compatibility across multiple devices
  • Keyboard accessibility for all interactive elements
  • Semantic HTML for screen readers
  • Descriptive link text to provide context